7133885B.a Wolfe is the author of The Keaton Series. Her first novel, AWAY was released last December and has simply blew readers away. The follow up, STAY was released today, and we can say, is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! Stay shreds your emotions. You have so many feels, you don’t know what to do with them. You’re giddy, your’re devastated, you’re frustrated, you’re swooning, your’re angry… YOU’RE EVERYTHING!!! This book is one of our top reads of 2014 and we want our book friends to read this series and experience the beauty that we did. Let’s give away TWO Kindle Sets of AWAY AND STAY. To enter, just leave a comment on this post. CONTEST ENDS WEDNESDAY (10.22) at 8 pm.

Read on to find out more about B.a Wolfe and The Keaton Series!


20 Questions with B.a Wolfe

1. Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always loved writing. So much that as a little girl, I remember writing story after story. I never imagined that being an actual writer was possible, so I never thought of it as a career choice, only as a passion. So I’m over the moon right now as I publish my second book! Dreams do come true!

2. Has it become a full time job for you, or do you have another profession?

I still have another profession. I work as an office manager at a construction by day! Totally girly right? I think that’s why I love writing at night! My inner romance can come out and okay!

3. Where do your ideas come from?

My crazy mind that goes non-stop! Lol! Characters speak to me and their stories just unfold! It’s a very interesting process that I’m still trying to wrap my mind around!

4. Is any part of Away and Stay semi-biographical?

There are certain character qualities that definitely were written out of experience, but this story is most definitely fictional work!

5. Did you cry as much writing these books, as readers did while reading it?

Oh my goodness, yes!! There are moments I’m bawling, others I’m in the fetal position as I cry… So to my amazing readers, please know I cry with you all! Haha!

6. What are your favorite parts of Away and Stay?

My favorite parts of Away: Green Light, cowboy boots, Jase, the library, Trish, and Moose! My favorite parts of Stay: X’s and O’s, Sweet Tea, Melanie and Moose, Aidan, Batman, and the barn!!

7. Can you tell us what else you may be working on?

Oh my!! So many great things are lined up! I will say this… Moose and Mel

8. Do you find it difficult, or challenging to write from the male POV?

It’s difficult. For me, it takes more time and finesse to speak and think like a man and put into words that are not only good to read, but are realistic. At the end of the day though, I’m so happy I decided to take a stab at it and write in the Male POV in Stay!

9. What activities do you enjoy outside of writing?

Eating! Hehe! Really though, I love yoga, watching movies, reading, and cooking!

10. Do you have a favorite author?

I don’t have an absolute favorite as I can’t pick just one, but an author whom I absolutely adore and look up to is Colleen Hoover! Book? – Slammed by Colleen Hoover. My absolute go to book and the one I recommend to everyone!

11. What do you think the benefits are being an indie author?

I set my own rules! I’m on my own schedule and get to be the boss of my own work! There’s nothing like it!!

12. Do you have multiple stories swimming in your head at once?

ALL THE TIME!!! It gets completely confusing at times, as well as frustrating because I wish I had the time to get them all out as fast as they come to me!

13. If you were casting a movie for The Keaton Series, do you have any actors/actresses you would choose?


YES!character casting
Cassie: Hayden Panettiere
Melanie: Lucy Hale
Moose: Josh Bowman
Jason: Kellan Lutz
Aidan: Jensen Ackles


14. What does your writing workspace look like?

A mess! Lol! I write at my kitchen table even though I have an organized office! I always need the following surrounding me as I write: Gummy Bears, Iced Tea or Wine, water, and music, and my notes!

15. Do you have a favorite quote or line from your books?

I do!!

Away: If you wait for the right time for anything, it’ll always be too late.

Stay: Fate knows what we don’t.

16. How many books do you plan to write in the Keaton Series?

Will Moose and Mel have their story told? – I am most definitely working on a story for Moose and Mel! They will not stop talking! There also might be another story in the Keaton Series, but you’ll have to wait and see!

17. What are the characteristics you look for in a male love interest?

I am thinking back to book I’ve read and the biggest things that stick out for me in my male hero’s are:

1) Confidence: There’s nothing hotter or sexier on a man than the confidence they wear. In every single book I love, each of the men carry themselves in this confident way that has me drooling before I even know their name. They are sure of themselves, what they want, who they want. It’s a quality you wish all men possessed.

2) Humor: This one is huge for me. I love when a man can make you laugh. About anything too. It could be a joke, it could be teasing, it could be making light of any given situation. I find this quality also one that most of my book boyfriends have as well. Make me giggle please!

3) Striking eyes: I mean this is super self explanatory. Those eyes that pierce right through yours… the ones that say “you’re mine”. THOSE eyes! Color is absolutely not an issue, I’ll take any color as long as you look at me like I’m the only thing you see.

4) Touchable hair: Who doesn’t love to run their fingers through soft, thick, locks of hair on their man? Exactly!

Of course I could go on and on about so many different qualities both physical and personality traits that I adore and think every book boyfriend should have, but I’ll stop at these four, or we’ll be here all day LOL!

18. What is in your purse?

A few things before I dump out my purse and tell everyone about its guts…

1) HUGE purse lover here. Big, small, shiny, plain, long strap, short strap, red, blue, white, black, fancy, simple… you name it, I LOVE THEM!

2) I normally sport a huge purse, but you’ve caught me in my “smaller for summer” days. I really don’t have much but I am always up for sharing this type of stuff

3) I highly recommend the bag I’m using now. It’s called a Sherpani. This bag goes with me everywhere and I love it.

Inside my pretty Sherpani:

*Kindle (that’s a big one)

*Office Keys

*PO Box Key

*Three Memory Sticks (you know what’s on those babies… Away, Stay, Current WIPS etc!)

*My wallet. I am using my Michael Kors ones. (Birthday gift from the hubs!)

*4 Away Bookmarks (you just never know when you’ll need to pass those puppies out)

*Super scratched up sunglasses from Kohls. LOL. (really need to take better care of them)

*$5 cash (WAHOO, I NEVER have cash on me! This is a huge moment, I am now planning my Starbucks visit this afternoon, SCORE!)

*Receipt for a super cute scarf I bought last weekend (It was on sale!)

*Make-up bag (yes, I said bag! I never travel anywhere with out my everyday essentials) (inside bag: mascara, eyelash curler, compact, concealer, eyeliner)

*Listerine stripes (heavily addicted to these guys)

*4 Blistex’s (saying that I’m obsessed with chap stick is an understatment)

*Costco membership card (who doesn’t love toilet paper in bulk?)

*mini hairspray (did I mention that I am super girly?)

*car keys (complete with an Away keychain of course)

19. Do you have a STAY playlist?


 20. What are your biggest distractions?

Oh the procrastination… I swear it follows me and begs me to give in and say “just a few minutes, let us take you away.”

Here are the top offenders that are high on my list for procrastinator inhibitors:

1) Facebook. HELLOOOO… if you’re not spending hours a day on Facebook, you’re doing it wrong. LOL. #saveme #goingonhoureight #canIgetpaidtofacebookplease

2) Pinterest – They might as well take away my willpower. I always tell myself I’ll only be “a few minutes” and then five hours pass and I have no clue what day it is. But let’s be honest, the inspiration that comes from pining is as valuable to an author as reality television is to the Kardashian’s (guilty of watching as well, #sorrynotsorry). So, I’ll gladly give Pinterest my time in return for amazing photos of muses, outfits I never thought to put together, recipes I’ll never try, and Halloween costumes I wish I had the talents to make. #thankyoutimesucker

3) Spotify – Stumped on your next scene? Not sure what to write? Let’s just go to Spotify and find some musical inspiration! This is one of those, “Sounded like a good idea at the time” places to visit. If you’re a music junky like myself, then beware of the holding powers Spotify has. One song search is all you’re going to do… NOT. Three playlists, eight new authors to follow, and ten updates to facebook later… #justsaygoodbyetoyourday #haveyoulistenedtothissongyet #dontjudgemymusic

4) Goodreads – This place might as well be called “Good, I’ve got you and I’m not letting you go, Reads” – Had other plans for the day? Like, maybe… WRITE! No… not happening now. You start by going to rate a book you just read, or maybe even check out what’s on your current TBR… HAHAHA…. half a day later you’ve just added 150 books to your TBR and are currently reading the blurb to some book your mom probably read back when she attended High School. Cue, cheesy old school hair blowing in the wind romance cover. #howdidIenduphere #addingittomyTBRanyway #thiscoverrocks #momproabablylikedthisbook

Congrats, you’ve just wasted half a day and added a years worth more of books to read when you already don’t have time! #whattheheckiswrongwithme


Click on covers for more information










Book Two in The Keaton Series






Click Here to Purchase Away
(Book One in The Keaton Series)



Fate took Cassandra down a path she never expected.

Then a small town in Colorado gave her exactly what she needed—until tragedy left her heartbroken and devastated. Alone with only her child and her memories, Cassie struggled to put her life back together, one day at a time, piece by piece. Finding love again was something she never thought possible. That was, until she ran into an unlikely stranger who flipped her entire world on its axis.

Aidan had a secret locked away in his heart; one that would surely send Cassie running the second she discovered it. He held onto her closely and kept his secret guarded, but one careless mistake could reveal all.

Their friendship was strong, their moments beautiful, and the love that brewed between them intense—something neither denied. The only problem? Cassie was slowly letting him into her life. Could she let herself get close to the one person she didn’t think she should?

Her mind tells her to run, but her heart tells her to stay.





 Chapter 1 – One Year Ago


 My hand shot left and landed on the alarm clock, silencing its incessant beeping. There was no point even setting it. I’d been awake for hours, anyway, but inside my nerves were having a hay day. Heartbeats thudded against my chest as I sucked in deep breaths trying to calm myself.

“Fuck it,” I muttered, kicking my heavy comforter off.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and ran a hand through my messy morning hair. My eyes traveled to the phone on my nightstand. I picked it up, sent a quick message to my brother, then tossed it beside me on the bed and made my way to the kitchen in nothing but my boxers. After dumping coffee grinds into the maker and setting the machine to brew, I braced my arms against the white countertop and stared down mindlessly while I waited. Your brain knew when something was important. It wouldn’t let you think of anything else. It was all-consuming. Today, it might just be the death of me.

I filled my lucky Denver Bronco’s mug and paced my way through the house. Wearing a path in the floor was the only thing slowing my thoughts. I downed a few sips and stopped in front of a tall bookshelf. A covered box containing all my letters from Jase was nestled there.

It had started out as a joke, but neither of us could stop writing. I told him I had a mailbox at college and then every week I had a letter waiting for me. And every week I’d write him back. I saved them all. His latest had me smiling hard. He was happy. Really happy—thanks to her. I needed to meet that girl. My eyes caught a glimpse of the clock; it was nearly time.

I took a shower and slipped on a pair of worn jeans, a plain tee, and my Nikes. Sucking in a deep breath, I grabbed my keys and left, bracing myself for the day ahead.

I was only an hour into my drive when the red engine light caught my eye. It came on every once in a while, so I pushed it to the back of my mind. My foot pressed a little harder on the gas pedal. As the needle on the speedometer crept higher, a new light on the dashboard lit up. And then it happened—my car started to shut down. “Fuck.” I banged my fist at the wheel as the car slowed. But no amount of banging or cursing helped. I veered to the shoulder of the highway, dodging car after car. Finally, the piece of crap stopped dead.

“No, no, no. Don’t do this to me now.” I pounded the steering wheel again, ready to beat it to death. “Not today. Damn it!” I reached for my phone in the cup holder, dialed the number for Triple A, and within minutes the rep said a tow truck would be on its way. Estimated time of forty-five minutes. Great.

It was too important of a day to be starting out like this. I only prayed things turned around.




About B.a. Wolfe

7133885B.A. Wolfe is a girl with a passion for reading and writing, and lives in the good ol’ state of Colorado with her husband (her biggest cheerleader), and her two crazy min pin fur babies. These days, her life is anything but calm, and there isn’t one thing she’d want to change.

B.A. spends all her free time either furiously typing stories on her laptop or happily reading through her endless T BR on her Kindle. Her list of favorites would be long enough to fill a book, but most would likely fall under the romance category.

She is a sucker for a good love story that makes her cry, and an amazing book boyfriend who will melt her heart. ‘Away’ is B.A. Wolfe’s debut novel.

Connect with the Author:

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STAY by B.a. Wolfe — JENN’S REVIEW


Stay by B.a. Wolfe

**WARNING!! This review WILL contain spoilers from the first book in the Keaton Series, AWAY. You MUST read Away before picking up STAY. You have been warned. **

I honestly do not even know where to begin with this review. I read Away shortly after it was released and while Jason and Cassandra were falling in love, I was falling in love with B.a. Wolfe’s writing. Her ability to create a scene is something else. Every time I read it, I was transported to Keaton and into this world that she created. I could feel every emotion and visualize every image. Then, B.a. did the unthinkable…the unimaginable. She killed off the main character. I will forever remember sitting in my bed at 3 am, doing the ugly cry, and throwing my kindle down on the bed in a huff. My husband gave up trying to figure out why I was so upset.  I was devastated that not only was it over with Jason and Cassie, but he was gone; ripped away from her. After everything she had lost, she continued to lose more. I was so angry!! I knew there would be a sequel, but I was devastated that Cassandra wasn’t getting her happily ever after, and wasn’t even sure I wanted to read it.

“Just breathe, baby. I’ve got you”

 The ending of Away sucked…there is no other way to put it. But, when people say there is a reason for everything, believe them. Jason had to die so we could meet Aidan. Oh, Aidan. Sweet, sexy,  swoon-worthy Aidan. Aidan is Jason’s brother and a bit of a mystery during the events of Away. We know he left home shortly after Jason revealed how sick he was.  We know that the Bradley’s do not like to talk about him, or really even acknowledge that he is a part of their lives. We are about to get all the answers however, and get to the bottom of why he left and what his future holds now that his brother is gone.

Cassandra is barely holding on. Jason’s death has ROCKED her. She knows she has to keep it together, if not for her, then for Jase, her beautiful baby boy. Jason’s best friend Moose, and Cassie’s best friend Mel, help Cassandra to keep moving forward. As they approach the one-year anniversary of Jason’s passing, Cassie plans to return to Keaton, a place she has avoided for the entire year, honor Jason’s memory, and hope to reconnect with Jason’s parents. Cassie has no idea what awaits her in Keaton or that her one, true love is waiting in the wings.

“I need a sign. Please, just send me a sign.” The last of my tears trickled down, collecting on the ground. “I love you, Jase. Green light forever.”

Cassandra is about to get her sign. Jason asks Aidan (or Dan as he is also called), to watch out for Cassie. He needs Aidan to keep an eye on her and protect her. Aidan does that through Moose, until he accidentally bumps into Cassie. He knows who she is, but she has no idea she is staring at Jason’s estranged brother. All Cassie knows is the intense pull she feels towards him. She has felt virtually nothing since losing Jason and for the first time in a year, she is feeling a whole lot of something.

Aidan can no longer maintain the secret of his connection to Jason, when Cassie and Aidan meet at the Bradley’s house. Cassie feels betrayed and hurt that Aidan didn’t tell her who he was, but the pull that keeps dragging Cassie and Aidan together is entirely too strong for either of them to deny. Cassie thinks it’s wrong for her to have feelings for Aidan. She refuses to be disloyal to Jason that way. Thankfully, Aidan refuses to give up on them. He will be strong for both of them if he needs to be.  Aidan realizes their relationship is a bit unconventional, but that doesn’t make it any less right, and he will fight for the right to call her his.

“And I know you feel it too, Cassie. I know you do. I can see it in your eyes. It’s not right in so many ways and I know that too. But in so many ways it’s more right that I’ve ever felt in my entire life.”

I am going to be honest here. This book was TORTURE! Absolute TORTURE. It was a beautiful type of torture, but torture nonetheless. After the gut wrenching, heartbreaking ending to Away, I honestly expected Cassandra to catch a break. Clearly, B.a didn’t think Cassie had endured enough anguish and suffering in her life and thought she should have to undergo more. I cannot tell you how many times I cried in this book. It felt as if I was crying every 10 pages. I am not a crier. I have said over and over how much it takes for a story to make me cry. I’ve seen it all, and you better bring it if you want to affect me in that way. Well, B.a. took that challenge and ran with it. It brought new meaning to the quote, “If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.” There were so many gorgeous moments of love and growth in this book. Cassandra works hard to pull out of the darkness she found herself in after Jason’s death. She realized all she needed to do was reach for Aidan’s hand and he would help guide her out. Their love story is not without more than their fair share of bumps in the road, but I am happy to say my kindle, along with a box of tissues, remained firmly in hand.

“I’ll be your X’s and O’s,” I whispered into her ear.

 She released a soft breath as she nuzzled against my cheek. “And I’ll be yours.”

6+++++ (but really way more) STARS!!!





Stay (The Keaton Series)

by: B.A. Wolfe

October 20, 2014

Cover Design: Bookfabulous Designs LP Hidalgo

Event Organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.


Fate took Cassandra down a path she never expected.

Then a small town in Colorado gave her exactly what she needed—until tragedy left her heartbroken and devastated. Alone with only her child and her memories, Cassie struggled to put her life back together, one day at a time, piece by piece. Finding love again was something she never thought possible. That was, until she ran into an unlikely stranger who flipped her entire world on its axis.

Aidan had a secret locked away in his heart; one that would surely send Cassie running the second she discovered it. He held onto her closely and kept his secret guarded, but one careless mistake could reveal all.

Their friendship was strong, their moments beautiful, and the love that brewed between them intense—something neither denied. The only problem? Cassie was slowly letting him into her life. Could she let herself get close to the one person she didn’t think she should?

Her mind tells her to run, but her heart tells her to stay.





“God, he’s gorgeous, Cass,” Mel gushed, pulling me out of my thoughts. I followed her swooning eyes and immediately found the source standing by the bar. She was right about one thing: he was definitely good looking.

His hair was dark; his jawline was sharp, complimenting his clean-shaven face. His body was hidden under a pair of dark jeans that hung on his hips and a button up shirt that was layered under a casual suit jacket. He looked professionally polished. He also had more than just mine and Mel’s eyes on him.

I bit down on my bottom lip. Something else stuck out about him. I glanced back at Mel. “He looks familiar, doesn’t he?”

She deepened her gaze on him, wrinkles forming around her eyes. “Eh, kind of. Why don’t you go talk to him?” She wiggled her brows.

“No. I’m not here to pick up guys. I already have an awesome one back at home.” My voice was playful, but my insides clenched at the thought of talking to a guy—especially that guy.

“Yes. That’s true.” She held up one finger as if she’d just discovered how they get all that caramel into the Caramilk bar. “But this guy can actually take you to dinner.” She laughed and I gave her an exaggerated eye roll. Suddenly, she sat straighter. “Looks to me like you’ve been noticed too. Someone’s hot-ass eyes are locked on your back. I think he knows you were ogling him.”

“He does?” My heart went from normal to pounding in zero point three seconds. “How?”

“For real?” She gave me the you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-meglare. “He’s been looking over here all night, but he caught you just as you turned around. I wasn’t able to hide my looky-loo eyes, sorry.” She shrugged as if to let me know she wasn’t sorry. “What if you do know him? School, maybe?”

“I don’t know. I guess it could’ve been college. He looks older, though.” The urge to see him up close was something I hadn’t experienced before. It was powerful. “Okay, I’ll go, but just because I need to know where I’ve seen him before.” I couldn’t even admit to myself that part of me wanted to talk to this attractive man just because.


Ebook mailed 9.13





About B.A. Wolfe



B.A. Wolfe is a girl with a passion for reading and writing, and lives in the good ol’ state of Colorado with her husband (her biggest cheerleader), and her two crazy min pin fur babies. These days, her life is anything but calm, and there isn’t one thing she’d want to change.

B.A. spends all her free time either furiously typing stories on her laptop or happily reading through her endless T BR on her Kindle. Her list of favorites would be long enough to fill a book, but most would likely fall under the romance category.

She is a sucker for a good love story that makes her cry, and an amazing book boyfriend who will melt her heart. ‘Away’ is B.A. Wolfe’s debut novel.

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